Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Ssshhtt. Ada bayi yang mau tidur nih...

kulit bersalju, pipi gemuk, jari tangan dan kaki yg mungil, dan kuncup bibir bunga mawar, bayi yang baru lahir ini benar-benar layak dijuluki Sleeping Beauties. Hahahaha

foto3 ini diabadikan oleh dua bersaudara Tracy Raver dan Kelley Ryden, yang mengambil sebagian besar foto-foto di studio mereka di Nebraska ketika bayi-bayi itu kurang dari 10 hari.

Spoiler for bayi1:

Suspended animation: But at least I've got a posy for my toes

Spoiler for bayi2:

Out on the floor: It's no struggle to snuggle up to a warm rug

Spoiler for bayi3:

A budding Buddah: I'm taking 40 winks on the path to enlightenment

Spoiler for bayi4:

It's a wrap: Lulled to sleep with a swaddling song

Spoiler for bayi5:

Getting back to nature: Who says caterpillars can't hibernate?

Spoiler for bayi6:

Frown in the mouth: My afternoon nap is a serious business

Spoiler for bayi7:

Meet my silent partner, we like to get our heads together

Spoiler for bayi8:

Crib sheet - and this hatbox beats my cradle any day

The photo shoots usually last between three and four hours at a studio (with nice natural light, a good temperature gauge and lots of props). The babies either wear white clothes or nothing at all.

It takes around a fortnight for the photographs to be processed before they're presented to the besotted parents.

sumber :

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