Ribuan tentara raksasa akan membentuk simbol-simbol patriotik seperti Patung Liberty, presiden Woodrow Wilson, American Eagle atau Liberty Bell yang difoto dari atas.
Arthur dan Thomas menghabiskan hari mempersiapkan formasi yang difoto dari 70-80 kaki menara dengan 11 dengan 14 inch kamera.
Foto oleh Mole dan Thomas kini menjadi bagian dari Chicago Historical Society, Museum of Modern Art dan Perpustakaan Kongres.
1. Human Statue of Liberty
18,000 officers and men at Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Ia
Spoiler for gambar:
2. Human U.S. Shield
30,000 officers and men, Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich
Spoiler for gambar:
3. Human Liberty Bell
25,000 officers and men at Camp Dix, New Jersey
Spoiler for gambar:
4. Human American Eagle
12,500 officers, nurses and men; Camp Gordon, Atlanta
Spoiler for gambar:
5. Sincerely yours, Woodrow Wilson
21,000 officers and men, Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio
Spoiler for gambar:
6. Living Emblem of the United States Marines
100 officers and 9,000 enlisted men, Marine Barracks, Paris Islands, S.C.
Spoiler for gambar:
7. Living Uncle Sam
19,000 officers and men, Camp Lee, VA.
Spoiler for gambar:
8. Machine Gun Insignia
22,500 officers and men, 600 machine guns at Machine Gun Training Center, Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga.
Spoiler for gambar:
9. Living Insignia of the 27th Division "New York's Own"
10,000 officers and enlisted men, Breakers of the Hinderburg Line
Spoiler for gambar:
sumber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=3196987
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